For Classes VI to VIII:

The academic year is divided into two terms term I ( April to September) and Term II (October to March). In each term there will be an Internal Assessment for 20 marks and Terminal Examination for 80 marks. The Internal Assessment will be based on a periodical test carrying 10 marks, notebook works 5 marks and subject enrichment activities 5 marks. A student shall score a minimum of 27 out of 80 in the Terminal Examination and 33 out of the total 100 marks.


DMI-St. Joseph Global School motivates and develops the leadership quality of the students who are confided to our care to become the Leaders and Animators of the future India. So we create a body or the council which comprise the SPL (School Pupil Leader) from class VII and VIII, Assistant School Pupil Leader (ASPL) from Class VI to VIII. There is always an equal representation of boys and girls. Head Boys and Head Girls are selected in each compartment. School administering committee appoints President and Vice Presidents of all the clubs. Teachers will be appointed to monitor the club activities. We follow the democratic system of electing the leaders at the beginning of the academic year. Those candidates are interviewed by the management before the nomination. There should be certain criteria to be pat in the nomination process. He/ She should be studious, well disciplined, and regular for the school; characters should be good, should excel in communication skill and should be the bridge between the management and the students. They take charge during the investiture ceremony.